Chizen holds a bachelor s degree from brooklyn college , city university of new york Chizen拥有纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院的学士学位。
He began to study accounting at night sessions of the city university of new york , earning his tuition during the daytime 他开始晚间在纽约城市大学学习会计,白天做工赚学费。
Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people ' s ability to remember things 纽约城市大学的研究者们发现,小睡一觉能提高人的记忆力。
Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people s ability to remember things 纽约城市大学的研究者们发现,小睡一觉能提高人的记忆力。
He trimmed affirmative action , effectively ended racial quotas at the city university of new york and championed school choice 他改进了肯定性行动计划,有效地解决了纽约城市大学的种族配额问题并且大力拥护校方的选择。
Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people ' s ability to remember things 一项最新调查表明,小睡能增强记忆力。纽约城市大学的研究者们发现,小睡一觉能提高人的记忆力。
He did so as part of an experiment by city university of new york social psychologists stanley milgram , leonard bickman and lawrence berkowitz that was designed to find out what effect this action would have on passersby 此举其实是纽约城市大学社会心理学家斯坦利?米尔格兰姆、里奥纳德?别克曼和劳伦斯?伯克维兹所进行的实验的一部分,旨在发现此项行为会对路人产生怎样的影响。